Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"The heart of her husband trusts in her..."


 This may sound a little off, but trust finds its place in many different situations in day to day life.  One area of trust that I have found my husband really puts his whole heart into is his meals.  Since he is away and extremely busy, I decided early on that I was going to do meal prep for him so he didn't have to shop or think about what to eat.  I created a master list of Crockpot, Freezer casseroles, and microwave meals that he could easily prepare when he got home from work.  I mention this because just tonight, after his first day of work, he mentioned how great his Pizza Casserole was.  Then went on to say that he is now truly realizing how important this meal prep is going to be.  This just makes a wife's heart soar!

 "The heart of her husband trusts in her..." Proverbs 31:11.

     As we were video chatting, he was telling me all about his day and what he has to do to prepare for tomorrow.  My heart does ache a little that I can't be there to help him, but I have true faith in his abilities and God's timing that he can succeed.  While I was with him this last weekend, I took the further step of this meal planning thing and stretched it to lunches as well.  Cold lunches that are quick is the ticket for this job.  What is a meal prepper to do?  Make a variety of lunches for the freezer and fridge for him to grab and go.  I am so thankful that God gave me the ability and knowledge to think ahead like this in hopes that his first week might be a little easier.

     So now as I sit reflecting on the day, enjoying the sound of the rain outside, and being enveloped by my husband's favorite essential oil scent, Idaho Blue Spruce, in the diffuser, I am reassured by God's word that my husband trusts in my ideas and 

"...he will have no lack of gain." Proverbs 31:11


  1. I love that you are a servant....reading this made me think about your wedding day....and the moment you washed each others feet...vowing to serve each other...and how you both model that vow everyday !!!
