Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Rosemary Lemon EVOO

 You have all seen the pretty bottles of oil that have rosemary, peppers, lemons.  These are fine, but how many of you actually use them?  Aren't they just too pretty to open and use?  How about using this all natural alternative?  It is simple and meant to be used!  

Rosemary Lemon EVOO
(Extra-Virgin Olive Oil)

Glass Bottle (seals well and easy to open)
Fill with olive oil of your choice
3 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil
3 drops of Lemon Essential Oil

Drizzle over salad, pasta, chicken or fish, and/or vegetables.

If you are interested in starting with oils, sign up under me, click here.
Brittany Lutz #1865917

Find me on Facebook: Brittany Lutz - Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

Oregano EVOO

It is time to spruce up that meal with some Extra Virgin Olive Oil that is flavored with Essential Oils!  You have all seen the pretty bottles of oil that have rosemary, peppers, lemons.  These are fine, but how many of you actually use them?  Aren't they just too pretty to open and use?  How about using this all natural alternative?  It is simple and meant to be used!  

Oregano EVOO
(Extra-Virgin Olive Oil)

Glass Bottle (seals well and easy to open)
Fill with olive oil of your choice
3-5 drops of Oregano Essential Oil

Drizzle over salad, pasta, chicken or fish, and/or vegetables.

If you are interested in starting with oils, sign up under me, click here.
Brittany Lutz #1865917

Find me on Facebook: Brittany Lutz - Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Air Purifier

Ok, let me be honest with you for a second. If you are using any sort of air fresher, plugins, deodorizing spray, candles, or scented warmers, you are filling the air with harmful fragrance toxins that can disrupt your endocrine system! You thought you were eliminating odor and breathing in fresh air, but in all reality, the air is becoming more toxic to breath!

So, what is the solution? An all natural, diy, air purifier that will help you rather than harm you. 

Air Purifier
Glass mist bottle
2/3 Distilled Water
1/3 Witch Hazel
15 Drops Purification Essential Oil
15 Drops Lavender Essential Oil

Stay in air when needed. 

(Could also use as a body mist... Because you don't want to use that perfume either... But more on that later)

If you are interested in starting with oils, sign up under me, click here.
Brittany Lutz #1865917

Find me on Facebook: Brittany Lutz - Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

Lady photo bombed, silly girl.

Headache Eraser

Tension, cluster, sinus, migraine? What ails you?  Try this blend that will work in harmony with your body and support your bodies own properties to heal. 

Headache Eraser
10ml Glass Roller Ball Bottle
25 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil
25 Drops Frankincence Essential Oil
15 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
15 Drops Rosemary Essential Oil
Filled with Fractionated Coconut Oil

Roll on Temples and back of neck as needed

If you are interested in starting with oils, sign up under me, click here.
Brittany Lutz #1865917

Follow me on Instagram    & on Twitter @LutzBrittanyL
Find me on Facebook: Brittany Lutz - Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

Brave Spray

Sometimes life throws obstacles your way they may knock you down, but we all have to be brave enough to stand up and push on. Instead of reaching for an antiseptic ointment, which can cause allergic reactions, use the Brave Spray. It will promote healing and give you the confidence to face your trials. 

Brave Spray
Glass mist bottle
2/3 distilled water
1/3 witch hazel
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
10 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil

Spray on cuts and scrapes

If you are interested in starting with oils, sign up under me, click here.
Brittany Lutz #1865917

Find me on Facebook: Brittany Lutz - Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

A Golden Afternoon Perfume

The words "fragrance" or "parfum" areused in many products to legally hide hundreds of ingredients that are known as endocrine disruptors. Once I heard this, I couldn't believe how many products simply say Fragrance. 

Ok then that gets us started on perfume itself!  Oy, it should not be going on your skin!  Even though I know we all have the perfume we love, or our husbands love, the risk is just not worth it. Instead, make your own scent that will have all the benefits and no downfalls. 

Just find some Essential oils you like and put them in a mist or rollerball bottle with some Fractionated Coconut Oil or witch hazel and water. And there you go, no more toxic fragrance. 

Here is one I made for my niece. It is light and fresh. And will awaken her senses, and calm her down if she needs it. 

A Golden Afternoon Perfume

15 drops Lavender
15 drops Lemon
Fill with Fractionated Coconut Oil
Glass rollerball bottle

Roll on wrists and/or back of ears

If you are interested in starting with oils, sign up under me, click here.
Brittany Lutz #1865917

Find me on Facebook: Brittany Lutz - Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

Sleeping Beauty Mist

  Having a hard time falling asleep? Or is your little princess too excited for Christmas to close her eyes?  Take a note from Sleeping Beauty herself and try this calming and relaxing mist.
Spray it on your pillow before bed and rest peacefully, like a sleeping beauty. Or encourage your little one to get her beauty rest and have her spray it on her pillow.

Sleeping Beauty Mist
Glass mist bottle
2/3 full distilled water
1/3 full witch hazel
30 drops Lavender Essential Oil

   Also a great perfume or body mist.  Calm your nerves this holiday season!

If you are interested in starting with oils, sign up under me, click here.
Brittany Lutz #1865917

Follow me on Instagram    & on Twitter @LutzBrittanyL
Find me on Facebook: Brittany Lutz - Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

Thieves Glass & Window Cleaner

    How many times are you reaching for a towel and cleaner to wipe up some disaster that has ensued on your counters, mirrors, or windows?  All of these surfaces are touched by you and yours or by food...(or your refrigerator shelves...yeah we often forget about those ones) What exactly is in that cleaner you are using?

Solution: Make your own. This Glass & Window Cleaner contains 3 ingredients and is so simple and safe, yet does a great job!

Thieves Glass & Window Cleaner
Metal or glass spray bottle (not recommended to use plastic since this recipe contains essential oils)
1/3 Vinegar
2/3 Water 
1 capful Young Living Thieves Household Cleaner

Shake well and spray. Enjoy your clean and safe house.

If you are interested in starting with oils, sign up under me, click here.
Brittany Lutz #1865917

Follow me on Instagram    & on Twitter @LutzBrittanyL
Find me on Facebook: Brittany Lutz - Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Allergy Shot - In a Capsule

     Just mad my first Young Living Essential Oil Capsules.  I was very nervous about how it would turn out...And can I just say, it is a little trippy.

     My allergies have been insane the last couple of days, so I have been putting Lavender and Peppermint on my sinuses and temples like usual, but then my shipment of products came this month, and now it is time to experiment.

So here is my concoction:
3 drops Lavender
3 drops Peppermint
3 drops Lemon
1 "00" Clear Vegetable Capsule
Topped with V-6 Vegetable oil

     It was very easy to put the drops in the capsule, to snapped in great, then I moved in to make more! I made enough for 3 doses a day for a couple days...Need to try it first before I get too crazy.

     Then the real test came...Time to down one...

     About a few minutes after taking it, I can literally feel the peppermint...In my throat!  I have fresh breath, so weird.  But other than that, time will tell if the sneezing and sinus pressure goes away.

Stay Tuned...

Update: Day 2
     Yesterday was a clear day from allergies and sneezing.  No congestion. No runny nose.  Woke up this morning all stuffy and took another dose.  10am and feeling clear and breathing well!

Stay Tuned...

Update: Day 4
     So I haven't had to take a pill in a day or so.  I feel great!  This is my new best friend.

Now time to try the weight loss pills and find some migraine solutions (oy the head hurts right now)  

If you are interested in starting with oils, sign up under me, click here.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Many Uses of Grapefruit

I am just discovering the many uses for Grapefruit Essential Oil.  Besides the fact that it is a citrus and smells light and fresh, there are digestive and weight management properties to it.  Take precaution though: As with all citrus oils, avoid exposure to sunlight when applying it topically.

I, personally, am trying the weight management strategy and will let you all know how it works out.  I just finished my first glass with a drop each of grapefruit, lemon, and peppermint.  It was not only refreshing, but gave me a bit of energy to get back outside and continue working on my dining set refinishing project.  So here's to grapefruit!

1. Add a drop or two to a glass of water to liven the taste.
2. Add 1-2 drops to a glass of water to support weight management. (Make sure to use a glass, not a plastic cup)
3.  Diffuse to curb cravings throughout the day
4. Inhale to curb your cravings now.
5. Add 2 drops to warm water to soothe a sore throat
6. Add 2 drops to smoothies to aid in digestion
7. Help those pesky migraines by applying a drop to your temples and rubbing it in.  Please note that if you have sensitive skin, dilute it with olive or coconut oils
8. During Cold and Flu season, add a drop to a glass of water and drink daily to build up your immune system.
9. Diffuse for stress relief.
10. Add a few drops to coconut oil and knead into cellulite prone skin, it may be known to dissolve the signs of cellulite (haven't tried this one yet)
11. Apply directly to wrinkles, may slow down signs of aging, Once again, take caution when applying directly to skin, test first and dilute if needed
12. Make a steam bath in your sink, add a couple drops and place a towel over your head, can help with a head cold.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Many Uses of Lavender

Lavender is one of the most useful oils out there.  It can be used for almost anything.  Here is a list of ways to use it!  Let me know if you use it in any other ways, or if you try one of these and it doesn't work for you.  

1. Apply a drop with your finger to your sinuses (forehead and under your eyes) or along the inside of your cheek to promote healthy sinuses (especially during allergy season)
2. Add a drop to your tube of mascara to promote healthy lash growth and prevent clumping, also prolongs life of mascara
3. Whip 1/2 cup of coconut oil with 6 drops of Lavender for a nice relaxing body lotion, may also help with stretch marks 
4. Use the above mixture as a hair gel to  promote healthy, full hair growth 
5. Use the above mixture as a makeup remover; I also love using it as a foundation remover on my lips (acts as a chapstick too!)
6. Use the above mixture as a relaxing massage oil (or mix with olive oil instead)
6. Apply to pimples to promote cleansing and healing. (use with caution at first and dilute if your skin is sensitive)
7. Apply directly to bottom of your feet before bed to promote relaxation
8. Place a drop on temples, back of neck, and/or behind ears to ease head and neck tension 
9. Apply directly to minor burns (like sunburns) to promote healing and soothing
10. Apply directly to minor scrapes and cups to promote healing and soothing
11. May be dabbed on insect bites to soothe and relief itching
12. (Still need to try this one: Apply one drop diluted to the bridge of the nose and on the bone surrounding the eye (being VERY CAREFUL to avoid the eye) to support healthy eye function and ease discomfort from clogged tear ducts, pink eye or styes. -source)
13.  Place drops on a wool dryer ball for fresh relaxing laundry
14. Place along throat to ease that sore throat

Lavender is one of the great oils that comes as part of the Premium Starter Kit that you will receive when you sign up with me as a Wholesale member of Young Living.  If you are interested in starting, click here.