Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"The heart of her husband trusts in her..."


 This may sound a little off, but trust finds its place in many different situations in day to day life.  One area of trust that I have found my husband really puts his whole heart into is his meals.  Since he is away and extremely busy, I decided early on that I was going to do meal prep for him so he didn't have to shop or think about what to eat.  I created a master list of Crockpot, Freezer casseroles, and microwave meals that he could easily prepare when he got home from work.  I mention this because just tonight, after his first day of work, he mentioned how great his Pizza Casserole was.  Then went on to say that he is now truly realizing how important this meal prep is going to be.  This just makes a wife's heart soar!

 "The heart of her husband trusts in her..." Proverbs 31:11.

     As we were video chatting, he was telling me all about his day and what he has to do to prepare for tomorrow.  My heart does ache a little that I can't be there to help him, but I have true faith in his abilities and God's timing that he can succeed.  While I was with him this last weekend, I took the further step of this meal planning thing and stretched it to lunches as well.  Cold lunches that are quick is the ticket for this job.  What is a meal prepper to do?  Make a variety of lunches for the freezer and fridge for him to grab and go.  I am so thankful that God gave me the ability and knowledge to think ahead like this in hopes that his first week might be a little easier.

     So now as I sit reflecting on the day, enjoying the sound of the rain outside, and being enveloped by my husband's favorite essential oil scent, Idaho Blue Spruce, in the diffuser, I am reassured by God's word that my husband trusts in my ideas and 

"...he will have no lack of gain." Proverbs 31:11

Friday, January 15, 2016

And So It Begins....

So today begins the Journey my husband has been striving toward for 6 years. We are sitting at orientation for his new job and I am praying to God for guidance and clarity on how I can be supportive and fulfill the role God has given me.
In verse 12, this woman who fears the Lord is said to do her husband good all the days of her life. Being supportive and available to my husband is doing him good. Being at orientation with him is not only showing him my love, but showing the rest of the staff that I am there for him. I am excited to learn more about ways to do good for my husband all the days of my life...

Verse 25 is the most powerful of all for me in this journey, and has been a coveted verse of mine for time. Strength and dignity are her clothing... Even as i am all dressed up right, putting on strength in front of this crowd is the most important, and difficult. Who am I to stand among a room full of department of Fish and Wildlife staff? I am a woman who fears the Lord!
Verse 25 continues with am image that I, not only now, but throughout this experience will have to remember... She laughs at the time to come. Wow.... The next year will be an adventure, and I say year because yes, the section of training is 8 months, but then on site training is 3 months after that. I laugh Lord at the time to come, these are happy tears right? Oy. I am clothed with strength, I am clothed in strength.

Once back at the apartment, that surreal feeling was still overwhelming as we started to relax. No time was wasted in my husband pulling up work and getting started, while being completely exhausted, I had to succomb to the request of Lady, our golden retriever, who decided she was not satisfied to sit in the house and play. We went for a long walk in the rain. I have to admit that Lady knew what she was doing, the walk was refreshing and calmed my nerves. She listens to God very well :) Just before bed, I put a drop of Lavender on my chest and feel into a peaceful sleep.

Proverbs 31

     The overarching challenge that has been placed in front of me this year is terrifying and exciting all at the same time.  My husband, Tyler, is beginning the Fish and Game Warden Academy this month.  He has been working hard to achieve his dream for 2 years and is now beginning the journey.  However, it is an 8 month academy and I must stay where we are currently living while he goes.  So, for the next 8 months, he will be 4 1/2 hours away.  We know it is only for a time, and we have faith that time will go fast and God will be our strength, but I need a bigger focus to make it through.  I thought about how since we got married 1 1/2 years ago, I have been reminded of what a wife is called to be in Proverbs 31.  So, I am going to be spending this year striving to be a Proverbs 31 wife and woman of the Lord.  My hopes are that serving others and my husband, and focusing on a higher purpose will get me through and in turn, set good habits for the rest of our lives.
    Join me in this journey of being a Proverbs 31 wife and woman in this next year.  I challenge you to take these steps with me.  I will be blogging often, after all verse 26 says "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."
As I envision what my 31st year is going to look like, I can see that God is working in me and calling me to a higher purpose.  In order to challenge myself and fully rely on God this year, I think I know a way to make it through 31 and create good habits for years to come.
   Here's to simply being 31!